{Wedding}: My Bridesmaids

One of the first things I thought of when I got engaged was – who do I want in my wedding? Who do I want standing by my side at the alter, sharing in such a memorable moment in my life? I also thought about the people I wouldn't ask…a part of me wanted to ask a whole slew of women who have been in my life, made memories with me, and inspired me in one way or another – but that's not quite reality and I think that was a hard thing to accept. Inside I felt badly for not asking everyone, like if I didn't, it meant I didn't care when that's clearly not the case. But, this is also my wedding – it's my time to put what other people want to the side and focus on what I want and what my vision is – I can tell you now that will be where I learn and grow the most in this process.

When it came down to it, the women I chose were family and friends. They were not only women who have been my support in the past, but they are ones that in this current stage in my life, hold a lot of presence. Not only that, but they know me, not just who I am on the surface, but who I am inside – they love me unconditionally and they each are able to bring more life, enthusiasm, love, and laughter into my world.

My Maids of Honor

There was no way I could ask one of my sisters and not both to be my maid of honor. I love them both equally and my relationship with each of them is tremendously different.


Kate has been my best friend since high school – and I say high school because I remember so vividly my freshman year, Katie still being in junior high and myself practically begging her to develop a stronger relationship with me. I had friends with older sisters at the time whose relationships were far more developed on a different level than ours. But sure enough, as we grew up, we grew more and more together. Kate is the person who will listen to me when I need someone, allow me to cry and feel vulnerable, but she's also the person who pushes me to have fun, to loosen up and to live my life. We've been there for each other through the happiest and through the toughest moments in our lives. No one knows me better.


Oh my littlest sister. Our relationship has always been an interesting up and down roller coaster. With a larger gap in age, we seem to always be at different stages within our lives and the way we have lived in those stages is completely opposite. Throughout most of our life, I've played a “mother” role – support in times of turbulence or playing the middle man in an argument. But our relationship has begun to develop out of that structured mold. Although we are different, our values for life are so similar. We grew together, when we began to accept the other person for who they are and believe in their abilities. Frankie is full of life and laughter. She is always ready to goof off to lighten the mood or begin reciting her favorite comedian for a good laugh. She reminds me to live youthfully and smile.

My Bridesmaids


Sophie has been one of my closest friends throughout college and we grew even closer as we lived and travelled together. What I love about our relationship is that since college, it's never changed. As we grew in our own lives, our friendship continued to flourish, to change and develop over time. I think that's because in our own lives we've continued to learn that you can't fuss over every detail of life – you ebb and flow as the world does – you emerge into the moment. Sophie has always pushed me forward to have a fun and fulfilled life, to experience the moments as they come, and do live with those who are by my side.

Kay & Al

These girls have been my locker buddies since freshman year of high school. We had always been good friends in high school, but grew even closer as we got to college and shared a house together. Kay and Al are the type of people you can sit down and have hours of conversation with and not run out of things to say. Kay and I have always shared an emotional connection throughout life and have continued to be huge emotional supporters for each other. Al and I have always shared a grounded-personality – whenever there would be chaos, I knew Al would be the one I could hang-out with to keep away from it all and to continue to find happiness. They both have huge passions for life, for belly-laughs, dancing, living, and for their goals for themselves. And although we are now a long plane ride away, we're connected.

Sam & Isabelle

My sisters to be! Unlike my own sisters, I unfortunately do not get to see them as often as we would like. One of the most important things in my life is my family and I knew I wanted not only my family by blood at my side – but also my family by choice. There are so many things I admire about Sam & Isabelle – their faith, kind hearts, light-hearted laughter, and their love for family. They have opened up their hearts to me as a new member of their family. Their love, excitement, and support during this whole journey has been a blessing and I cannot wait to see what else life has in store for us.

Thank you – each and every one of you for making an impact on my life.

Next: How I popped the question…”Will You Be My Bridesmaid?”


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